Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Swimming Snack

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Normally Nanda would float alongside Shanti but today she felt a bit more adventurous. So after a deep breath she dived under the water and explored the underwater world. Little did she know that Kaa was waiting for the perfect opportunity to gulp her up...


Monday, April 29, 2024

We're Both Milfs Now

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Seems like the threesome you had Shanti and Messua resulted in a positive tests. Very shortly you'll be having two milfs on your hands but luckily Messua will be there to help you deal with all of Shanti's cravings and such...


Stream Spiraling

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While streaming games to her fans, one of them commented a strange link for Nanda to click. Nanda assumed nothing of it and happily opened it expecting some kind of funny gif or video. Little did she know, she's soon be stripping naked for all her viewers...



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Although Kaa is an owner of this Hypno-Hooters, he can't help but visit often to see the girls smiling and to have a taste of the delicious meals. Meanwhile Messua just likes to see the girls...


A Laughing Matter

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Emma, while trying to nap on a tree branch, somehow managed to slip off. Luckily Rachna was there to catch her but she's having some trouble trying to contain her laughter...